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Telefunken ECC82 12AU7 Smooth Plates

Telefunken ECC82 12AU7 Smooth Plates

Regular price $247.50 USD
Regular price Sale price $247.50 USD
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Tube Selection

Soundlumia's Opinion

The "Crown Jewelry" ECC82 tube is here! If you've been seeking the reference tube sound then look no further. Designed for high end amplifiers and preamplifiers, Telefunken ECC82 provides high level gain with ultra low noise and are unquestionably the most sought-after vintage tube and treasured by audio professionals and enthusiasts. 

Like any other Telefunken tubes, these ECC82's are very pleasant to listen to: liquid, euphonic, with a slightly warmer midrange than many other German tubes, which makes your sound experience smooth and non-fatiguing, and all that happens on a unbelievably realistic holographic sound stage, where everything feels bigger, wider and taller. Sound texture can be felt through infinite levels of details, laying on top of each other, both in depth and in width. So your quest for superb sound clarity can end right here. Lastly, it never gets old to say that no other brand is even close to these when it comes to low noise - Telefunken tubes are "extremely" quiet just as legend has it.

Professional Sound Evaluation

The pair worked wonderfully and sounded terrific in our professional studio setup for monitoring. 
 - Input: Cambridge Audio CXC V2 dedicated CD transport + Schiit Audio Bifrost 2 Multibit DAC

 - Amplification: Woo Audio WA7 Fireflies (3rd gen) Balanced Headphone Amplifier

 - Output: Focal Clear MG Pro open-back headphones

Our full tube sound review was written 100% based on the actual listening experience while this pair of tubes were running in the system described above.

FOUR variants available: 

Telefunken ECC82 12AU7 Matched Pair Smooth Plates ◇ Base - Berlin 1962/63 - NOS+ ($337.45)
Silkscreen: 60% - 80%
Date codes: B4102500 (B = Berlin, 2 = 1962)
Bxxx3726 (B = Berlin, 3 = 1963)
Technical Measurements
Transconductance (mA/V) Plate Current (mA)
Triode 1 Triode 2 Triode 1 Triode 2
Tube 1 2.5 2.5 11.507 11.072
114% 114% 110% 105%
Tube 2 2.36 2.37 10.457 10.765
107% 108% 100% 103%
Certification Device Certification Date
RoeTest V11 7/24/2014


1x Telefunken ECC82 12AU7 Smooth Plates Yellow Tip ◇ Bottom - Berlin '62 - NOS ($247.50)
Silkscreen: 90%
Date codes: B fl 7 (B = Berlin, fl = September 1962, 7 = internal code)
Technical Measurements
Transconductance (mA/V) Plate Current (mA)
Triode 1 Triode 2 Triode 1 Triode 2
Tube 1 2.2 2.16 10.03 9.632
100% 98% 96% 92%
Certification Device Certification Date
RoeTest V11 10/3/2024


*SOLD* 1x Telefunken ECC82 Long Smooth Plates Orig. Box ◇ Base - Berlin '67 - NIB/NOS ($167.50)
Silkscreen: 70%
Date codes: B fl 7 (B = Berlin, fl = September 1962, 7 = internal code)
Technical Measurements
Transconductance (mA/V) Plate Current (mA)
Triode 1 Triode 2 Triode 1 Triode 2
Tube 1 2.35 2.41 10.592 11.17
107% 110% 101% 106%
Certification Device Certification Date
RoeTest V11 6/22/2024


1x Telefunken ECC82 12AU7 - 17mm Smooth Plates ◇ Bottom - Berlin '64 - Near NOS ($149.75)
Silkscreen: 60%
Date codes: B0184425 (B = Berlin, 4 = 1964)
Technical Measurements
Transconductance (mA/V) Plate Current (mA)
Triode 1 Triode 2 Triode 1 Triode 2
Tube 1 1.96 1.99 8.942 10.135
89% 90% 85% 97%
Certification Device Certification Date
RoeTest V11 6/22/2024


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